By Megan Bedera, Women Campaign Founder
I am a woman who has made a career in politics; I have been running political campaigns for more than a decade for candidates from Congress to school board, and in that time, maybe a third of my clients have been women, and before starting Women Campaign, I couldn’t even name another campaign consultant who is female.
Then a conversation started in our society about women, and I began to question why more women aren’t involved in our government. Women make up 50% of the population but only 25% of our elected representatives. That means that in Congress there are three men for each woman who is voting on women’s health issues. Think about that for a minute.
The more time I spent researching and talking to other women in the industry, I knew that this is where I need to be; I can make a difference by training, supporting and encouraging our next generation of women in politics. I founded Women Campaign to empower women to be more involved in politics, whether that is running for office, volunteering for a campaign, or being part of a non-partisan community where women can learn about and discuss politics.
I invite you to join Women Campaign
We’re going to be sending emails more often about the work we’re doing and information you can use to help amplify your voice in politics. We’re also getting active on social media – Follow us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.
On August 18, 2020 it will be 100 years since the final state ratified the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution, giving women the right to vote, and I for one won’t wait another hundred years for women to achieve true equality in representation. It’s time for women to become educated and active in politics, learn the skills it takes to run and win a campaign, take their seats at the table and join the political conversations that are shaping the future of our nation.
Our time is now.